EMC leads the global storage software market

According to the latest Worldwide Storage Software Qview by IDC, the storage software market grew in the second quarter of 2011, with a total market valuation of $3.4 billion during the quarter, up 11.3% over the same period last year. And, EMC cornered nearly 25% market share followed by Symantec, and IBM with 15.8% and 14.1% market shares respectively. Whereas, Hitachi clocked the highest percentage growth followed by HP.

The quarter saw all the major vendors experienced year-over-year increases in storage software sales. This double-digit growth broadly aligned with increased investments made within the server and disk storage systems markets during the same quarter, an indication that storage software sales benefited from expansive investments made within the infrastructure space.

Five of the seven functional markets covered within the Worldwide Storage Software Qview grew at double-digit or high single-digit rates during the quarter. Storage Infrastructure Software and Storage & Device Management Software experienced the strongest gains with 22.6% and 17.3% year-over-year growth respectively. Data Protection and Recovery Software sales accounted for 34.2% of market value and were the largest contributor to incremental revenue for the quarter compared to one year ago.

“The far-reaching and double-digit storage software market growth was driven by quite a few factors. New product introductions, simplified pricing & bundling, ongoing modernization of data protection processes, a need to improve management of storage within virtual environments, and desire to mitigate against legal and IT risks were all important contributors to growth. The fact that all of this is occurring during times of elevated economic uncertainty makes the market growth even more impressive.” said Marshall Amaldas, senior research analyst, Storage Software program, IDC.

