Al-Falak is a certified HP Gold IPPP specialist

Ahmed Ashadawi, CEO and President, Al-Falak Electronic Equipment & Supplies Co

Al-Falak Electronic Equipment and Supplies Co, a reseller of technology-based end-to-end solutions in the Middle East, has successfully qualified for the 2011 HP Gold Specialist Imaging and Printing Partner Programme.

As a certified HP Gold Specialist in Imaging and Printing, Al-Falak will be aligned with HP’s sales strategy and gain access to HP’s enterprise customers. HP’s partner development managers will work with Al-Falak to coordinate reselling of HP solutions and develop a business plan to drive Al-Falak’s sales. Al-Falak will also receive a partner insignia from HP to promote the added value it offers to its customer; have access to HP software development kits, support and training; and be invited to exclusive HP events.

Ahmed Ashadawi, CEO and President, Al-Falak Electronic Equipment & Supplies Co, says the HP Gold Specialist status for 2011 affirms the exceptional quality of the company’s services and solutions. “HP carefully chooses its programme partners based on their geographical reach, business stability, professional services and support capability,” he says. “We were able to prove our excellence in all these areas and we are now eager to offer the superior benefits of the HP brand to our clients,” said Al-Falak’s membership in the 2011 Gold Specialist Imaging & Printing Partner Programme takes effect through October 31, 2011.”

