Polaris Wireless enters the region

US based software-based wireless location solution provider Polaris Wireless today announced the opening of its regional headquarters in for the Middle East and Africa region in Dubai.

The opening of Dubai office is part of the company’s strategy to expand its international footprint and expanding its operations across the region. With the exponential growth of mobility in the region, the business opportunities for Polaris Wireless is growing at a rapid pace. Following the global trend of wireless operators and government agencies partnering to deploy high-accuracy location solutions for lawful location surveillance and emergency call applications.

“Polaris Wireless is very pleased to be opening a regional headquarters in Dubai to support our global expansion,” said Bashar Zako, regional vice president for Polaris Wireless in the MEA region. “We look forward to establishing a presence alongside other leading technology companies in this dynamic business and transportation hub to build on the success we have already achieved at an international level.”

The company is a leader in enabling real-time, high-accuracy location to assist authorized law enforcement agencies (LEA’s) in criminal investigations and antiterrorist activities. The easy to deploy, easy to maintain, Polaris Wireless Location Signatures (Polaris WLS™) solution identifies the location of a wireless device to within 50 meters and delivers the best software-based location in dense urban and indoor environments. Polaris Wireless is the only company capable of implementing a high accuracy mass location surveillance capability. The Polaris WLS solution gives customers the ability to conduct geo-fencing, post-event analytics, and predictive intelligence using mass location surveillance. It is equally ideal for emergency call applications and can be deployed as a standalone system or in combination with existing handset-based technologies to allow international wireless operators to quickly and cost-effectively introduce an emergency call solution for public safety.

