Technology experts from the UAE’s public and private sectors have underscored at a recent NexTech gathering in at the Sharjah Research, Technology and Innovation Park (SRTIP) on Monday (September 20), that the UAE is a recognised leader in the digital transformation industry, highlighting that forward-looking vision and strong human resources were among the key success factors for its growth and development.
They pointed out the vital role a robust infrastructure plays in the process, and also highlighted the pivotal role of service providers and managed IT services in facilitating the digital transformation journeys of public and private sector enterprises.
The observations were shared by a number of participants who convened for the second edition of the NexTech technology dialogue series organised by Sahab Smart Solutions in partnership with the Sharjah Digital Office. Titled ‘The Future of Information Officers’, this edition was hosted at the Sharjah Research, Technology and Innovation Park (SRTIP) comprised four discussion sessions, which were focused on empowering chief information officers (CIOs) with the knowledge of latest trends and challenges in the ICT sector.
The forum highlighted emerging digital strategies and technological advancements vital for public sector institutions to improve their internal processes and end-user services, in addition to investing in qualified cadre who would handle the entities’ big data analysis to elevate and customise their digital strategies.