BenQ lunches K-12 Blended Education Solution

BenQ recently announced its K-12 Blended Education Solution that helps teachers, in-class students and remote students to share the continuity of the education environment without worrying about loss of progression. The solution integrates three of BenQ’s advanced offerings – ClassroomCare Interactive Flat Panel, Smart Projector and Eye-Care Monitor.

With COVID-19 having impacted education systems dramatically, returning to school safely, prioritizing local health conditions, and building a capacity for hybrid learning approaches are now essential school reopening measures. Whilst some education institutes started to implement blended learning methods to reduce the number of face-to-face students, there seemed to be a growing inefficiency amongst teachers to track students’ learning progress and maintain teaching equality when children are learning from home. Besides, the loss of school participation may also influence a student’s education as a ‘whole person’ and may impact core social skills for individual students.

“Teachers have undergone rapid transformation and learning in the past few months. Even though the demand for digitalization has amplified, teachers have been facing challenges in ensuring that remote students receive quality education and are able to interact with in-class classmates, and also in taking care of online and in-class students simultaneously,” said Manish Bakshi, of BenQ Middle East.

“BenQ’s latest solution for blended learning combines our flagship three offerings, Interactive Flat Panel, Smart Projector, Eye-Care Monitor along with video conferencing, and cloud collaboration tools. These products have been designed keeping in mind the health, collaborations, and education equality to facilitate teachers and remote students. They help making learning more interactive in real time, enhancing the quality of remote learning considerably.” He added.