JAWBONE launches UP24

Jawbone today announced the launch of UP24 in 29 countries around the world. UP24 is the newest hardware option for the UP system– the wristband, app and data service that helps you understand how you sleep, move and eat so you can make choices to live better.

Jawbone UP24_AED 649_IMG2The new UP24 wristband connects wirelessly to your iOS or Android device via Bluetooth Smart to provide continuous feedback and in-the-moment notifications to help you achieve your goals. The UP App uses your own data to deliver insights and celebrate milestones while challenging you to accomplish more each day and also gives you individually tailored reports on how your sleep and activity interrelate. In addition, the standalone iOS app UP Coffee tracks caffeine intake over time to demonstrate the impact of caffeine on sleep.

Designed for the way you live, UP24 features the same sophisticated form factor and technology that current UP users love. The smooth, hypoallergenic, medical-grade rubber exterior features a new, stylish textural design, and like UP, UP24 is small and comfortable enough to wear throughout each day and night.

Jawbone UP24_AED 649_IMG1“The UP community has already logged more than 500 billion steps and 50 million nights of sleep. It’s an astounding amount of data,” said Travis Bogard, vice president of product management and strategy at Jawbone. “While data is good, understanding is better. UP24 is the first lifestyle tracker to help people make real sense of their data, understand their patterns over time and make smarter choices. UP pushes timely information to you to help turn your intentions into action – a gentle nudge suggesting an earlier bedtime if you want to meet your sleep target or an alert that you have nearly reached your steps target for the day.”