Huawei Enterprise debuts in Egypt

Huawei, a global telecom solutions provider has announced the launch of its newly introduced Enterprise business sector, confirming its continued focus on the Egyptian ICT market.

Huawei Technologies expanded into the enterprise business sector with a global mission to become the first choice ICT solutions provider across various public & private industries, including health, education, government, oil/gas, real-estate, transportation and banking. The Enterprise sector offers end to end solutions, in order to save energy and make processes more simple and less time consuming.

Huawei Enterprise Egypt will be mainly focusing on the vertical industry, which is a group of similar businesses that engage in trade, based on specific and specialised needs. Vertical industry services offered by Huawei such as e-education, e-government, e-city, Smart Grids, e-banking and Railway communication solutions.

Huawei E-education service makes knowledge and cultural exchange between students and teachers in different parts of the world possible. Communication is a key word in Huawei’s innovative solutions, bettering the communication in trains has lead to a more structured Railway Communication Solution, by lowering the risk of accidents.

Other services offered by Huawei enterprise include, E-government, which provides government agencies and non-profit institutions with high-speed and high-reliability data exchange platforms. The high performing Data centers are also an essential part of E-banking services, ensuring high security of banks client information and services.

Huawei Smart Grids ensure lower operational expenses by providing equal electrical distribution and monitoring. Monitoring of electricity distribution is done by Smart Grids, while monitoring of a city, is offered by E-city, a solution that integrates multiple technologies including wireless communication, GIS, workflow, and computer networks. “E-city provides an innovative city management mode. Services such as security surveillance, national Emergency responding & Cyber Police are a state of art innovation by Huawei Enterprise.” says Mohsen Rao, Country Manager-Egypt, Huawei.

Huawei’s strength and expertise in the enterprise business also lies in delivering solutions for data centers, video conferencing, unified communications, Switches & Routers, IP contact centers, Tele-presence systems, Cloud computing, Security systems and wireless networks.